ARToolKit Professional

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About ARToolKit

How ARToolKit works

ARToolKit feature comparison

Installing ARToolKit Professional

ARToolKit tutorial 1: First simple ARToolKit scene

Using ARToolKit

Calibrating your camera

ARToolKit tutorial 2: Multiple markers

Creating and training new ARToolKit markers

ARToolKit tutorial 3: Relationships between markers

Using an optical see-through display

ARToolKit tutorial 4: Fancy rendering

Using 2D-barcode markers

Adjusting ARToolKit for lighting conditions

File:Converting to ARToolKit 4 - Part 1 - simpleLite.pdf

Advanced topics

Configuring video capture in ARToolKit Professional

Hardware selection and configuration for ARToolKit

Building ARToolKit Professional from source

Customising other aspects of ARToolKit

ARToolKit FAQs

Debugging marker recognition problems

Using stereo tracking

Special versions of ARToolKit

Reference documentation

Related documentation (off-site) ARToolKit v2.x documentation Inside ARToolKit (Tutorial given at ART 02 by Hirokazu Kato) Marker Tracking and HMD Calibration for a Video-Based Augmented Reality Conferencing System by Hirokazu Kato and Mark Billinghurst.
