Conjurare objects file format

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Main Page > Conjurare > Conjurare objects file format

Content that is to be loaded by Conjurare, including 3D models, and 2D images and movies, is specified in the file Data/objects.dat. This file is a text file, which should be edited using a text editor such as Wordpad (Windows) or Textedit (Mac).

The file consists of a list of model specifications, each followed by a blank line. The very first line of the file specifies the number of model specifications to read from the file.

The format of each individual model specification is as follows:

  • Line 1: the path to model, relative to the "bin" directory. The appropriate OpenSceneGraph plugin(s) required to open the file must be available to the application. An image or movie file format may also be specified, in which case the image or movie file will be added into the scene on the x-y plane, with the lower-lefthand corner of the image or movie at the origin, and with the movie scaled such that the width and/or height of the movie do not exceed 80.0 units.
  • Line 2: the offset from the center of the marker to the model file's origin, in the same units as the camera calibration (usually millimeters).
  • Line 3: static orientation of the model, expressed as rotation of a specified angle about a specified axis. The first number is a value in degrees expressing the angle of rotation. The remaining three numbers define the x, y, and z values of a vector defining the axis of rotation. So, for example, to rotate a model by 90 degrees on the horizontal marker axis (x axis, or the vector {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}), the values would be 90.0 1.0 0.0 0.0.
  • Line 4: the scaling of the model (from its native size) in the x, y, and z dimensions.
  • Optional lines (line 5+)
    MARKER n
    specifies that this model should be attached to marker 'n'. More than one model may be attached to a single marker.
    SCENE n
    specifies that this model should be added to the specified "scene" (default value of 'n' is 1). When the "active scene" is changed (using controls in the application, by default the '<' and '>' keys on the keyboard) then all models on all markers attached to the current scene will be swapped out and replaced by the models attached to the new scene.
    CUES_AT time1 [time 2 [... time256]]
    specifies times (in decimal seconds) of cue points in the model animation. The last cue point defines the end of the animation. The token CHAPTERS_AT is an alias for CUES_AT, retained for reasons of backwards compatibility.
    specifies this model should be lit normally ('n' = 1, default), or not lit (model colours will be applied without shading) 'n' = 0.
    specifies that any animation loop mode set in the object should be overridden. 'n' = 0 is NO_LOOP (i.e. one shot), 'n' = 1 is LOOP, 'n' = 2 is SWING (i.e. loop backwards and forwards).
    CAPTION color text
    Use 'text' as a caption, displayed when the model is visible on screen. 'text' may include spaces. Valid values for 'color' include WHITE (the default), BLACK, RED, GREEN, BLUE, CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW, or an HTML-1.0-style color specification consisting of the # character followed by 3 pairs of hexidecimal digits indicating the red, green and blue color values (e.g. #00ff00 for GREEN).
    OVERLAY time1 time2 x y filename
    Show image file 'filename' (filename is a relative path from the "bin" directory) at position 'x','y' (relative to top-left of display) between 'time1' and 'time2' (decimal seconds). If the overlay should be showed always, specify 0.0 for both 'time1' and 'time2'. Multiple overlays are supported.
  • A blank line

So an example of an entry in the objects.dat file:

0.0 0.0 0.0
90.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
CUES_AT 0.0 5.0 29.9

specifies the model "animated.osg" in the folder "models", with offset of zero, orientation of plus 90 degrees about the x axis, 1.0 scale, attached to the first marker, and with two cue points at 0.0 and 5.0 seconds into the model's 29.9 second-long animation.

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